Do you ever have one of those days? Where you just feel like you've been super productive (even if that is a gross exaggeration), and you just become filled with a sense of content?
I haven't had a lot of those days recently. If I'm not stressed about one thing, I'm stressed about another. What's for dinner? How am I gonna pay for this? When will I get enough hours at my job? When will I get a new job? Do I meet the requirements? What about the exam?
These are all thoughts that plague me on an almost daily basis. I know I'm not alone. I'm painfully aware that everyone struggles with questions like these all too often.
Unfortunately, having those questions usually keeps me in a slightly sour mood the majority of the time. I don't appreciate Lovie's jokes and sense of humor as much as I normally would, and even if I enjoy a moment of levity, it is easily ruined by something that I could usually brush off. I don't like this person. This isn't who I want to be. I want to find enjoyment in the little things, and be happy.
So while I haven't had a lot of content days recently, I had one today. I can't tell you exactly what about it made me happy. I still got cut off while driving, almost run over walking across the parking lot. Even had to pay $5 for a day-pass parking permit at the University that I ended up only using for about ten minutes because the person I was supposed to have an appointment with called in sick, and I didn't get a call to let me know.
But for some reason none of this fazed me today. I was pleasant to the person who should have called me to reschedule my appointment. To the semi-creepy guy at Bed Bath & Beyond who chatted me up a little too long over car fresheners. Every one just seemed friendly today (excepting the people who cut me off/tried to run me over), offering smiles. I was a little disconcerted. But then I realized I was smiling back at every single one of them. It was incredible. I even went to Panera by myself and just sat, drinking hot chocolate and reading the newspaper, for about 45 minutes. And I was happy. Perfectly content and happy.
I want to be that person more often. Offering a smile to strangers, being nice even when they walk where I was walking (seriously though, when did we develop a sense of entitlement over where we 'intended to walk, if only that other person hadn't gotten in our way,' to the point where people feel the need to apologize if they walk in your path?).
All too often, I get so angry about customers at my work who are rude to me, not understanding why they can't see that the things they are upset about are not my fault. But then I turn around and do it myself. Going off at a clerk who has no more power over whatever I'm upset about, than I do over what my customers get upset about.
It's not a New Year's Resolution (I don't do those), but it is something I want to commit myself to working on. To just be content, and be kind, even if your circumstances are not conducive to it.
It truly is about appreciating the little things; a new friend, some hot cocoa, hearing 'I Love You' from someone dear to your heart.
Until next time,
Enjoy the little things, and hot cocoa.
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