My most exciting, food related, Christmas gifts since A) Santa gave me an electric mixer, B) my 2nd momma gave me a rolling pin, or C) my other 2nd momma gave me spring-form pans and an incredibly extensive cheesecake cookbook! (All of which have been used A LOT, whether you know it or not!) They were all from my parents (or Santa, whichever), and they are awesome!
First up, NEW RECIPES!!!
Yes, the picture is backwards. I couldn't find a way to fix it on my Mac. Sometimes you love 'em, but other times... Anyway.
Gordan Ramsay! I pretty much love this guy. Yeah, he can be an @$%^*!&, but he's an amazing chef, and when he's not being churlish, he seems like quite a nice fellow.
For our purposes, I suppose the chef part is the most important.
I haven't even had a chance to look through these guys, but I am SUPER excited.
And anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE me some Masterchef. It's the only show I follow religiously (just ask my excoworker, there were bets), and am constantly wanting to jump through the screen to eat the food.
My favorite contestant thus far (and WINNER! Boom!) has not published her cookbook yet, but you can rest assured, one way or another, I will be getting it come May.
Next up, something to prop Gordan Ramsay up with (or the cookbooks, whatever)!
I'm actually quite excited about this one. It makes me feel fancy.
Alright, so this one isn't suuuuper exciting (I'm pretty stoked though), more something every cook should have in her kitchen (I only said her because, obviously, I am female. Guys can cook too.)
I think it's a pretty nifty doo-dad. And now I can stop guessing when things are 'done,' and risking poisoning my boyfriend.
Now, for the pièce de résistance...
This is my 'ERMAGERD!' face.
You are looking at a pasta machine. Yup. A pasta machine. I can't even use exclamations marks, I'm so excited.
And it came with a fancy bottle of olive oil, and a kitchen towel illustrating different kinds of pasta (not pictured). Pretty excited about that too.
I'm sure this has been terribly exciting for you (it was for me!), and I'm sure you are just dying to know what else I got, but none of it is cooking related, so I can't really go into here. I know, disappointing. I can say, Lovie is amazing as well. He got me a few things, but the best of which was spending the day smashing down the mountain, in the snow with him.
I hope you all had an equally wonderful (or even more wonderful, who am I to put a cap on your happiness?) Christmas!
Until next time,
Snow angels and Gordan Ramsay.
*UPDATE* I'm paging through the cookbooks, and I LOVE that when I read a sentence, I hear it in Gordan Ramsay's voice in my head! Just thought I'd share.
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